Who were the deadliest non-state armed groups in 2019?



According to findings from the Janes Terrorism & Insurgency Centre (JTIC), in 2019, the Taliban caused more non-militant fatalities than the next nine groups combined. Interestingly, Taliban weren't the group that carried out most attacks, it was Donetsk's People's Republic (DPR). However, attacks by Taliban were almost twice as deadly as the Islamic State.


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What kind of tactics were used? Are there patterns? How does this data compare to 2018?

The Janes Terrorism & Insurgency Centre (JTIC) provides a structured, consistent, and comprehensive database of open source events, with multiple fields of metadata which is updated on a daily basis; it also provides insight and more in-depth analysis for global topics and events to support threat assessment.


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Case study: Deadliest NSAGs The deadliest non state armed group in 2019 was Taliban, followed by Islamic State and then Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen. Taliban weren't the group that carried out most attacks, it was Donetsk's People's Republic (DPR). However, attacks by Taliban were almost twice as deadly as the Islamic State.