Russia gaining momentum in EW capabilities warns former UK Defence Attaché
A Former UK Defence Attaché to Moscow has said that Russia is gaining momentum in electronic warfare (EW) capabilities and the UK needs to “invest accordingly” in the...Full story -
Kongsberg tests Australian-made NSM launcher
Kongsberg Defence Australia has test-fired for the first time a Naval Strike Missile (NSM) blast test vehicle (BTV) from an Australian-built NSM launcher.Full story -
Italy joins Germany and UK in opting for Striker II HMD for Eurofighters, Spain yet to decide
Italy is to join Germany and the United Kingdom in fielding the BAE Systems Striker II helmet-mounted display (HMD), with only Spain yet to decide of the four...Full story -
Iran showcases ‘domestically developed' airlifter
Iran has publicly displayed for the first time a domestically developed twin-engine transport aircraft, dubbed Simorgh (Phoenix).Full story -
Build begins on first E-2D for France
Northrop Grumman has begun the build of the first E-2D Advanced Hawkeye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft for France.Full story -
Slovakia selects Millennium airlifter
Slovakia has selected the Embraer KC/C-390 Millennium aircraft as part of a wider effort to recapitalise its fixed-wing military transport capabilities.Full story -
Airbus completes NH90 retrofits for Sweden
Airbus has completed retrofits of 18 NHIndustries (NHI) NH90 helicopters for Sweden, the chief stakeholder in the consortium announced on 10 December.Full story -
UK, Australia to integrate battlefield sensors into US Army architecture
US Army leaders with the service's intelligence, electronic warfare (EW), and sensors directorate are working with their counterparts in Australia and the United Kingdom...Full story -
Australian navy fires Tomahawk for first time
A Royal Australian Navy (RAN) Hobart-class destroyer has carried out the service's first firing of the Tomahawk cruise missile.Full story -
US Army to begin receiving new Common Sensor Payload variants
US Army officials are expecting deliveries of the newest variant of the service's Common Sensor Payload (CSP), equipped with advanced targeting capability, to start by...Full story -
Japan outlines progress made on improved Type 12 missile
Japan's Ministry of Defense (MoD) has released more details on the progress it has made in a programme to enhance the country's Type 12 surface-to-ship guided missile.Full story -
Argentine Army receives first two Bell 407GXis
The Argentine Army accepted delivery of two Bell 407GXis at the Bell Flight factory in Piney Flats, Tennessee, on 4 December, according to a statement by the service.Full story -
US artillery roadshow to finish up before end of year
Artillery fires have sounded around the world as part of the US Army's ‘roadshow' to find a modular tactical cannon solution throughout November. Performance...Full story -
Airbus delivers first A400M for Kazakhstan
Airbus has delivered the first of a pair of A400M Atlas transport aircraft for the Republic of Kazakhstan.Full story -
‘Loyal Wingman' concepts in Japan, Britain for GCAP support taking shape
Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) under design in Japan and the United Kingdom to operate alongside the next-generation Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) aircraft are...Full story -
Lessons learned in Gaza informed US Army intel cloud development
US Army officials have leveraged lessons learned from the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict to inform ongoing technology maturation on the service's new cloud-based...Full story -
Nigeria acquires surplus French Alpha Jets
Nigeria has acquired surplus French military Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jet light strike aircraft as it looks to strengthen its operational capabilities in the face of...Full story -
UK continues with NMH, tender process to report early 2025
The UK New Medium Helicopter (NMH) requirement is proceeding, with the tender evaluation due to report in early 2025.Full story -
First F-35 for Poland makes maiden flight
The first of 32 Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft for Poland made its maiden flight on 2 December.Full story -
Germany to combine army, air force helicopters into joint brigade
Germany is to combine its army (Heer) and air force (Luftwaffe) helicopters into a joint aviation brigade in response to Russia's continued war in Ukraine.Full story