The Rotron Talon DT-300 UAV during Exercise ‘REPMUS 24' in Tróia, Portugal, on 23 September, equipped in mother ship role for the six FPV UAVs to the right of the image. (Janes/Neil Dee)
UK-based Rotron conducted a simulated munitions drop against the UK Royal Navy's (RN's) trials ship XV Patrick Blackett as part of NATO's Exercise ‘REPMUS 24' (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping with Maritime Unmanned Systems 2024).
The Rotron Talon DT-300 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was tested in several different configurations at REPMUS. Speaking to Janes and assembled media at REPMUS in Tróia, Portugal, on 23 and 24 September, Rotron spokespeople confirmed that a simulated attack had been conducted on XV Patrick Blackett as part of the exercise. The vessel was stationary during the drop, which was conducted using inert 3D-printed mortar bombs while the vessel was at sea.
The UAV was also tested in other configurations, the spokespeople confirmed, with tasks including bag drops for forward resupply. Assembled journalists also viewed a simulated attack against target balloons on the sea surface as part of REPMUS on 23 September. During the simulation, the UAV was equipped in a mother ship role, carrying six first-person-view (FPV) UAVs with a simulated payload. The UAVs were used to strike the balloons on the surface in one-way attacks. Other potential capabilities include intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and strike, with the Talon DT-300 having previously test-fired other missile systems including Javelin anti-tank guided missiles and the AGR-20A Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS), the spokespeople confirmed.
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