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Our National Security Advisory Board

Janes Advisory Board is made up of prominent, experienced members of our customer communities. Experienced professionals from the realms of government, defense, and national security support the development of Janes solutions to ensure they meet the needs of our customer communities.

Sean Corbett

Janes National Security Advisory Board Chairman

Sean Corbett is the founder and CEO of IntSight Global, a consultancy specializing in strategic thinking, open-source intelligence and business optimization.

Corbett retired from the Royal Air Force in September 2018 as a two-star general after a 30-year career as a professional intelligence officer. His last appointment in the military was in Washington, DC as the first non-US Deputy Director of a major US Intelligence Agency.

He was made a Member of the British Empire in 1999 and in 2018 was made a Commander of the Order of the Bath. He is a senior associate fellow of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the oldest independent defense and security think-tank in the UK, and is on the panel of experts for the United States Cipher Brief as well as being the chair of the Janes National Security Advisory Board.

Lt Gen Jan Broeks (retd)

Janes National Security Advisory Board Member

Lieutenant General Jan Broeks (retd) is a highly respected former Director General of the International Military Staff (DGIMS) at NATO HQ with extensive experience in international political and strategic affairs. 

In addition to his time as DGIMS and the military representative for the Netherlands, Broeks has held multiple senior military appointments including as the commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Redeployment Task Force, deputy director for Plans at the Netherlands Defence Staff and programme manager for the Netherlands Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the restructuring of the Netherlands Armed Forces. Broeks is a senior mentor at the NATO Defense College Senior Course for negotiation, mediation, and decision making, and a NATO senior mentor for Joint Strategic Environment and Joint Logistics & Enablement. He also serves as a member of the Supervisory Board at Clingendael Institute (the Netherlands Institute of International Relations) and the vice chairman of the Permanent Committee on Peace and Security at the Dutch government’s Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV). 

Terry Busch

Janes National Security Advisory Board Member

Terry Busch has 25 years’ experience developing new government capabilities and enterprise programs. He is known as the builder of leading-edge artificial intelligence technologies, big-data, and data science analytical programs.

Previously, he has held roles such as Chief Technology Officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) High Priority Machine-Assisted Rapid Repository Program (MARS) and the DIA’s Chief Data Officer, leading the development of AI-based capabilities within DIA. He also held roles within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Jim Danoy

Former briefer of the president of the United States
Jim Danoy is a retired defense intelligence executive from the DIA and has worked in a variety of intelligence fields including geospatial intelligence, current and crisis intelligence, long-term research, policy support, and foreign intelligence relationships. 

His tours of duty included senior assignments in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, US European Command, NATO, the FBI, and the White House. Danoy has extensive experience supporting senior-level decision makers including as the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) briefer to former US President Barack Obama. 

Emily Harding

Janes National Security Advisory Board Member
Emily Harding is deputy director and senior fellow with the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). She joined CSIS from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), where she was deputy staff director. In her nearly 20 years of government service, she has served in a series of high-profile national security positions at critical moments. 

While working for SSCI, she led the committee’s multi-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. During her tenure on the committee, she also served as the subject matter expert on election security, counterintelligence and associated cyber-security issues, and the Middle East. She oversaw the activities of 18 intelligence agencies and led SSCI staff in drafting legislation, conducting oversight of the intelligence community, and developing their expertise in intelligence community matters. 

Skip Maselli

Janes National Security Advisory Board Member

Skip Maselli has over 35 years of experience as a business leader and strategist, intelligence officer, and remote sensing technologist. He is currently the Senior Director for All-Source Analysis at Leidos, Inc. In addition to executive roles in the defense and intelligence industry, Maselli served as the US Army chief imagery intelligence instructor and a principal investigator for numerous government space-based and aerial surveillance and environmental monitoring programs. 

Maselli earned a Master’s of Science from the University of Wisconsin with a focus on image processing and a Bachelor’s of Science from Dickinson College. He holds certificates in Executive Business Strategy through the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. 

Linda Weissgold

Janes National Security Advisory Board Member
Linda Weissgold was the CIA’s Deputy Director for analysis from March 2020 to April 2023. In that role, she was responsible for the quality of all-source intelligence analysis at the CIA and for the professional development of the officers who produced it. During her 37-year career at CIA, Weissgold was part of the creation and delivery of intelligence analysis on a variety of complex issues and in multiple settings. Before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, she was an analyst and leader of analytic programs focused on the Middle East. Immediately afterwards, she was among those that volunteered for counterterrorism assignments. The units she guided, including as the head of the CIA’s Office of Terrorism Analysis, generated insights that informed US policy and operations across multiple administrations and helped to identify Usama Bin Laden’s location and the rise of ISIS. For more than two years, she served as former President George W. Bush’s intelligence briefer. A skilled communicator experienced in the coverage of urgent and controversial issues, she is a proven teacher and champion of analytic tradecraft, integrity, and objectivity in intelligence analysis. She is widely recognized for her unwavering dedication to the CIA’s national security mission and its officers.