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Germany approves procurement of PULS MRLs

By Nicholas Fiorenza |

Germany is procuring PULS MRLs in co-operation with the Netherlands. (Elbit Systems)

The Precise and Universal Launching System (PULS) multiple rocket launcher (MRL) was among the 38 procurements approved by the budget committee of the Bundestag, Germany's parliament, on 18 December 2024 and listed on the German Ministry of Defence (MoD) website two days later.

Germany will procure five PULS MRLs as an option under the government-to-government agreement between the Israeli and Dutch MoDs for 20 of the MRLs signed in May 2023.

Janes understands that Germany will evaluate the MRLs until 2027, after which it will decide whether to procure 89 EuroPULSs, which are being marketed in Europe as part of KNDS Deutschland's co-operation with Elbit Systems.

The German Army will procure EuroPULS as a long-range indirect fire system for its corps-level artillery with ranges of at least 300 km.

The last PULS for the Netherlands is scheduled to be delivered in 2026. Denmark has received all eight PULSs ordered from Elbit during the first quarter of 2023. Spain is also procuring PULS.

Elbit Systems announced on 18 November 2024 that it had been awarded a contract to supply PULS to an unnamed European country. It said that the PULS launcher is fully adaptable to existing wheeled and tracked platforms, reducing maintenance and training costs.

For more information on the Dutch PULS procurement, please see First PULS MRL arrives in Netherlands.

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