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US Army kicks off NGC2 prototyping effort

By Carlo Munoz |

Soldiers recently evaluated the Tactical Computing Environment and other mission command technologies during the Expeditionary Command Post S&T Field-based Risk Reduction Exercise at CERDEC's Ground Combat Activity, Fort Dix, New Jersey. (US Army CERDEC)

US Army leaders are seeking industry input for the development of prototype systems to support the ground service's Next Generation Command and Control (NGC2) initiative, according to a newly released request for information (RFI).

The 14 January RFI, issued by the Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications, and Network (PEO C3N) is designed to “provide commanders and units at echelon an open and modular C2 ecosystem across hardware, software, and applications with access to a common and integrated data layer”, according to a service statement accompanying the 14 January RFI.

“Contracting and delivery of Next Generation Command and Control capabilities will be deliberate and iterative, geared toward commander needs and dependent upon the innovation of industry,” said Program Executive Officer for PEO C3N Mark Kitz said in the statement.

NGC2 programme officials at PEO C3N anticipate issuing a follow-on draft request for proposals (RFP) by late January 2025, with the final version of the RFP slated for release by the end of February 2025, service officials said in the statement.

Once issued, contract awards for NGC2 prototypes are scheduled to be issued to industry by May 2025, “with initial prototype deliveries to occur within six months” of the contract award date, the officials said. “Each stage of the process will generate industry feedback and inform the [NGC2] contract approach and resultant contract … as well as future evolution of the capability,” they added.

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